
تأثیر خرما و رازیانه بر میزان کفایت تغذیه با شیر مادر: مروری

تفریشی, رانا ، شکاری, شیما ، عجم, محمد ، براتی, الهه ، حق گویان, سید مسعود ، حیدری, ام البنین ، دباغ فكري, سمانه ، اشرفیان, فرزانه ، غضنفرپور, معصومه ، عباسی دالویی, مریم (1399) تأثیر خرما و رازیانه بر میزان کفایت تغذیه با شیر مادر: مروری. International Journal of Pediatrics ــ . شاپا 2345-5047 (ثبت شده )

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آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : http://ijp.mums.ac.ir/article_15150_0.html

عنوان انگليسی

The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breast-Feeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review

خلاصه انگلیسی

Abstract No systematic review study has been found comprehensively examining the effects of dates and fennel on breastfeeding adequacy of mothers. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of dates and fennel on breastfeeding adequacy of mothers. Method All clinical trials evaluating the effect of palm date and Fennel on brestfeeding in Lactating Mothers were searched on the online databases of Scopus, EMBASE, Cochrane, Web of Science Results Five studies with a sample size of 512 subjects were included in this study. The results of the first research suggested the positive impact of consuming fennel herbal tea and dates in enhancing milk production by the mother within the early days following birth. In the second study, the mother satisfaction with adequacy of milk showed the positive effect of dates consumption. The results of the third research showed that 40% of mothers in the control group and 80% of mothers in the intervention group had a smoothness score regarding breastmilk. The higher smoothness percentage in the intervention group showed the positive impact of dates consumption on breastmilk. In the fourth study, a galactagogue drop containing fennel, Anise, dill, parsley, cumin, and fennel flower had no effect on the volume of breastmilk and weight development of the infant. The fifth the study showed the positive impact of the herbal tea of fenugreek seeds and fennel on improving the breast-feeding adequacy with positive changes in the anthropometric indicators, the number of wet diapers, the number of defecation, and increased number of breastmilk drinking. Conclusion usage of dates and fennel herbal tea by breast-feeding mothers is recommended for increasing the breastmilk. Keywords • Keywords: Breast-Feeding • Dates • Fennel • Mother

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :رانا تفریشی
نویسنده :شیما شکاری
نویسنده :محمد عجم
نویسنده :الهه براتی
نویسنده :سید مسعود حق گویان
نویسنده :ام البنین حیدری
نویسنده :سمانه دباغ فكري
نویسنده :فرزانه اشرفیان
نویسنده :معصومه غضنفرپور
نویسنده مسئول :مریم عباسی دالویی
ضریب تاثیر و نمایه مجلات:Indexed in: ESCI, DOAJ, Magiran, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Breast-Feeding, Dates, Fennel, Mother
موضوعات :WQ مامایی > WQ.18 آموزش مامايي
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی > بخش مامایی
کد شناسایی :12835
ارائه شده توسط : خانم سمانه دباغ فکری
ارائه شده در تاریخ :31 فروردین 1399 23:35
آخرین تغییر :31 فروردین 1399 23:35

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