
ترکیب شیمیایی و فعالیت های بیولوژیک Artemisia marschalliana Essential Oil

اصغریان, پرینا ، زاده کمند, معصومه ، دل اذر, عباس ، صفرزاده, الهام ، اثنی عشری, سولماز (1398) ترکیب شیمیایی و فعالیت های بیولوژیک Artemisia marschalliana Essential Oil. Research Journal of Pharmacognosy (RJP) ــ 6 (4). ص.ص.71-77. شاپا 2345-4458

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : http://www.rjpharmacognosy.ir/article_93527.html

عنوان انگليسی

Chemical Composition and Some Biological Activities of Artemisia marschalliana Essential Oil

خلاصه انگلیسی

Background and objectives: The aerial parts of Artemisia marschalliana Sprengel as an indigenous species of genus Artemisia in the East Azerbaijan province of Iran, was subjected to phytochemical analysis, as well as anti-proliferative, free-radical-scavenging and anti-malarial activities. Methods: The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of A. marschalliana was analyzed by GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) and GC/FID (gas chromatography/ flame ionization detector). The anti-proliferative, anti-oxidant, and anti-malarial activities of the essential oil were assessed by MTT, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and cell-free β-hematin formation assays, respectively. Results: A total of 38 constituents were identified, which represented 95.55% of the oil. The essential oil was characterized by a high content of oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The major components of the oil were spathulenol (38.25%), isoaromadendrene epoxide (8.5%), and caryophyllene oxide (7.31%). The oil exhibited cytotoxic activity against the human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell line. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of anti-malarial assay was 0.38±0.04 mg/mL; the oil, however, displayed low anti-oxidant activity. Conclusion: These findings will be beneficial for the further development of new chemotherapeutic or antimalarial agents.

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :پرینا اصغریان
نویسنده :معصومه زاده کمند
نویسنده :عباس دل اذر
نویسنده :الهام صفرزاده
نویسنده مسئول :سولماز اثنی عشری
ضریب تاثیر و نمایه مجلات:Indexed in: ESCI, Embase
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Artemisia , DPPH , GCMS , heme , MTT
موضوعات :QW میکروب شناسی و ایمنی شناسی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه علوم پایه > بخش ايمنولوژی
کد شناسایی :13118
ارائه شده توسط :کاربر غیر معتبر
ارائه شده در تاریخ :26 شهریور 1399 12:18
آخرین تغییر :27 شهریور 1399 10:13

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