
تجربه جهانی ثبت دیابت: بررسی سیستماتیک

نعیمی, رویا ، شاهمرادی, لیلا (1398) تجربه جهانی ثبت دیابت: بررسی سیستماتیک. در: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Diabetes: from Research to Clinical Practice, 1307 . Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland. شابک 978-3-030-51089-3

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آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://www.springer.com/series/5584/books

عنوان انگليسی

Global Experience of Diabetes Registries: A Systematic Review

خلاصه انگلیسی

Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) is as a chronic metabolic disease, and disease registry plays an important role in the care of diabetes. Systematic review of diabetes registry systems in different countries has not been conducted based on evidences. This study conducts a systematic review to determine the goals, data elements, reports, data sources and capabilities of diabetes registry systems. Method In this study, searches were conducted in four databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Embase to find available information on diabetes registry systems. Two researchers conducted the search separately to identify related studies based on an input criterion. All controversies were resolved by the consensus. Results 18,534 studies were identified in the primary search. After reviewing the title and abstract of the articles, 11,344 studies were excluded. Finally, 21 studies were selected for the review. Themain characteristics of the diabetes registries have been cited in the study under the categories of country’s name with registry, title of the system, data sources and system developers. The information management is considered as the main goal of diabetes registry system. Data elements of diabetes registry were laboratory measurement and chronic complications. Conclusion This systematic review provides a global overview of the goals, data elements, reports, data sources and capabilities of the diabetes registries and recommends the use of diabetes registry to increase efficiency of services and quality of care.

نوع سند :بخشی از کتاب
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده :رویا نعیمی
نویسنده :لیلا شاهمرادی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Diabetes , Diabetes mellitus , Diabetes registry , Disease registry , Registries
موضوعات :W حرفه پزشکی > W 26/55.I4 انفورماتیک پزشکی ، سیستم ذخیره و بازیابی اطلاعات
W حرفه پزشکی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه علوم پایه > بخش مدیریت اطلاعات سلامت
کد شناسایی :16497
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر رویا نعیمی
ارائه شده در تاریخ :27 آذر 1401 09:17
آخرین تغییر :27 آذر 1401 09:17

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