
ارتباط بین ژن embB و مقاومت به اتامبوتول در بیماران مبتلا به عفونت مایکوباکتریوم توبرکلوزیس در استان اردبیل، ایران

بابازاده, فروغ ، حسینعلی, زهرا ، محمدشاهی, جعفر (1401) ارتباط بین ژن embB و مقاومت به اتامبوتول در بیماران مبتلا به عفونت مایکوباکتریوم توبرکلوزیس در استان اردبیل، ایران. در: The 6th International Congress on BioMedicine (ICB 2022), 10th - 15th November 2022, Tehran.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
تصویر - سایر
پیش نمایش

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://www.icbcongress.com/?lang=fa

عنوان انگليسی

evidence of an association betweenn the embB gene and ethambutol resistance in mycobacterium tuberculosis pateints by multiplex allele-specific poly,erase chain reaction (MAS-PCR) in Ardabil, Iran

خلاصه انگلیسی

Tuberculosis (TB) is an extremely infectious sickness due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) which is life-threatening. Recently, it was found that one of the most important factors for the rapid spread of TB is the development of resistance to valuable anti-TB drugs. Various drugs such as isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RIF), streptomycin (SM), pyrazinamide (PZA), and ethambutol (EMB) are used to treat TB. improper use of these drugs leads to resistance. Ethambutol (EMB) is one of the first-line drug regimens for pulmonary tuberculosis therapy, and resistance to this drug is increasingly reported in many parts of the world. It should not be used alone but can be prescribed in combination with at least one other antituberculosis agent such as isoniazid. EMB is effective against strains of M. tuberculosis, but not so much against viruses, fungi, or other bacteria. Mutation in embB is the main mechanism of resistance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the mutation in embB gene and ethambutol resistance in M. tuberculosis using the MAS-PCR method. Methods: As part of a cross-sectional study, 63 infected sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples (BAL) were collected from patients referred to the Ardabil Provincial Health Center for TB between July 2016 and June 2020. The boiling method was used for whole DNA extraction from clinical samples as described previously. MAS-PCR method was employed for detection of mutations embB which confer resistance to ethambutol. Results: In the present study, 34 out of 63 samples (53.96%.) harbored a mutation in embB gene which mediated resistance to ethambutol. Conclusion: In this study, high mutation rates leading to resistance to EMB were observed. EMB-resistant MTB were common, especially those with an embB mutation. Tracking embB mutation among EMB-resistant isolates would be diagnostically and epidemiologically valuable. According to the results, " MAS-PCR can not only be used as a simple and rapid method for detecting EMB resistance in M. tuberculosis strains but also provides accurate and reliable results in less time than other methods. Regular monitoring of drug resistance and expansion of drug resistance testing facilities is imperative to prevent the transmission of drug-resistant TB in the community and also, provide primarily valuable data in administrating suitable drugs for combating tuberculosis.

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (پوستر )
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :فروغ بابازاده
نویسنده :زهرا حسینعلی
نویسنده :جعفر محمدشاهی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Ethambutol (EMB), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MAS-PCR, Drug resistance, Mutations
موضوعات :QW میکروب شناسی و ایمنی شناسی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه داخلی ، قلب ، عفونی
کد شناسایی :16870
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر جعفر محمدشاهی
ارائه شده در تاریخ :24 خرداد 1402 13:51
آخرین تغییر :24 خرداد 1402 13:51

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