
آپتاسنسورهای نانومقیاس برای سنجش چند آنالیتی

صابریان بروجنی, مهدی ، جوهری اهر, محمد ، همزه ای, حسین ، برار, ژاله ، امیدی, یداله (1392) آپتاسنسورهای نانومقیاس برای سنجش چند آنالیتی. BioImpacts ــ 4 (4). ص.ص.205-215. شاپا 2228-5652

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://bi.tbzmed.ac.ir/Article/BI_64_201508220930...

عنوان انگليسی

Nanoscaled aptasensors for multi-analyte sensing

خلاصه انگلیسی

Introduction: Nanoscaled aptamers (Aps), as short single-stranded DNA or RNA oligonucleotides, are able to bind to their specific targets with high affinity, upon which they are considered as powerful diagnostic and analytical sensing tools (the so-called "aptasensors"). Aptamers are selected from a random pool of oligonucleotides through a procedure known as "systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment". Methods: In this work, the most recent studies in the field of aptasensors are reviewed and discussed with a main focus on the potential of aptasensors for the multianalyte detection(s). Results: Due to the specific folding capability of aptamers in the presence of analyte, aptasensors have substantially successfully been exploited for the detection of a wide range of small and large molecules (e.g., drugs and their metabolites, toxins, and associated biomarkers in various diseases) at very low concentrations in the biological fluids/samples even in presence of interfering species. Conclusion: Biological samples are generally considered as complexes in the real biological media. Hence, the development of aptasensors with capability to determine various targets simultaneously within a biological matrix seems to be our main challenge. To this end, integration of various key scientific dominions such as bioengineering and systems biology with biomedical researches are inevitable.

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :مهدی صابریان بروجنی
نویسنده :محمد جوهری اهر
نویسنده :حسین همزه ای
نویسنده مسئول :ژاله برار
نویسنده مسئول :یداله امیدی
ضریب تاثیر و نمایه مجلات:Indexed in: Scopus, PubMed/PMC , Embase
کلیدواژه ها (فارسی):آپتامر; آپتاسنسور؛ حسگر زیستی؛ تشخیص چند آنالیت؛ SELEX.
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Aptamer; Aptasensor; Biosensor; Multi-analyte detection; SELEX.
موضوعات :QV فارماکولوژی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشکده داروسازی > بخش شیمی دارویی
کد شناسایی :17181
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر محمد جوهری اهر
ارائه شده در تاریخ :03 تیر 1402 13:57
آخرین تغییر :03 تیر 1402 13:57

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