
اثر آموزش فعال سازی رفتاری روی رضایت و خودکارآمدی جنسی در زنان دارای مشکلات حنسی

صالحی عالی, حبیبه ، شیخ الاسلامی, علی ، تکلوی, سمیه (1402) اثر آموزش فعال سازی رفتاری روی رضایت و خودکارآمدی جنسی در زنان دارای مشکلات حنسی. (Journal of Research in Psychopathology(JRP ــ 5 (15). شاپا 2783-221X

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آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://jrp.uma.ac.ir/article_2283.html

عنوان انگليسی

The effectiveness of behavioral activation training on sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness of women suffering from sexual problems

خلاصه انگلیسی

A suitable and healthy sexual function is one of the signs of the physical and mental health and it makes common pleasure sense between couples. In regarding the importance of women's sexual psychological processes, this research was done to investigate the effectiveness of behavioral activation training on sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness of women suffering from sexual problems. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test; post-test designe with control group. The statistical population of this research included all of the women who were in 25_40 age range and they were suffering from sexual problems and they had referred to psychotherapy centers for sexual disorders in Ardabil city. In year of 2022, 30 people were selected by convenience sampling method and they were assigned randomly in experimentaland control groups, every group included 15 people. Collecting data was done by using women's sexual disorders questionnaire (Isidori et al, 2010), Hudson's sexual satisfaction questionnaire (Hudson et al, 1981) and Hulbert index of sexual assertiveness (1992). The behavioral activation training was presented to experimental group in 8 sessions- and every session lasted 75 minutes (Dimidjian et al, 2014). Analyzing the data was done by multivariate analysis of covariance test (MANCOVA) with SPSS 20 software. Based on findings, there was a significant difference between two experimental and control groups on sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness and behavioral activation increased sexual satisfaction (F=742/88, P<0/01) and sexual assertiveness (F=2279/08, P<0/01) among women suffering from sexual problems. It can be concluded that behavioral activation training can increase sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness in women who suffering from sexual problems. There for, the counselors and therapists can use the mentioned therapy method in order to increase sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness in women suffering from sexual problems.

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :حبیبه صالحی عالی
نویسنده مسئول :علی شیخ الاسلامی
نویسنده :سمیه تکلوی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):behavioral activation training, sexual assertiveness, sexual satisfaction, sexual problems
موضوعات :WQ مامایی > WQ.18 آموزش مامايي
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی > بخش مامایی
کد شناسایی :17917
ارائه شده توسط : خانم حبیبه صالحی عالی
ارائه شده در تاریخ :15 بهمن 1402 10:45
آخرین تغییر :15 بهمن 1402 10:45

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