
مقایسه عوارض بروموکریپتین واژینال ودهانی

اسدزاده, فيروزه (1388) مقایسه عوارض بروموکریپتین واژینال ودهانی. در: سمینار سقط ایمن, 20-23 janury 2010, تایلند.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : www://womanhealth.or.th

عنوان انگليسی

A comparison of intravaginal & oral Bromocriptine for their side effect & a prolongedt use of these drugs in Alalvi Gynecologic clinic women patients

خلاصه انگلیسی

Back ground: Hyperprolactinemia is a disorder present,s itself with a clinical varieties of Galactorhea, Infertility, Mens trual disturbances, Hirsutism and PMS. Bromocriptine is a Dopamine Agonist and is a drug of choice for treatment of this complication. Due to a prolonged use of this drug (even for years ) the patient,s tolerance for the drug is important. In the present study we have investigated the side effects and th e patient,s tolerance with respect to two forms of Bromcroptine: oral & ontra vaginl. Method : This study is a single –blind clinical trial. The subjects are women clinets of the Gynecologic clinic with one of the complaints of Galactorhea/Menstrual disturbance, Hirsutism, and Infertility. The subjects number is estimated as 180 persons (two go-member groups ) and the time-limit is two years. The subjects have been divided into two groups: oral and intravaginal users,and prior to the study the subjects have been examined systemically and gynecologically for other systemic and local complications.After being insured of soundness of other body systems, we prescribed oral drug 1.Assistant professor of Gyne cology & a member of teaching staff in Ardebil Medical suences university. 2. A member of teaching staff in Faculty of obstetrics & Nursing ,Ardebil,M.Ss.Univ. 3. A member of teaching staff in statistics in Ardebil M.Ss.Univ. 4. Assistant professor of Anaesthesialogy, in Ardebil M. Ss.Univ. 5.A member of teaching staff in TEFL (ph.D.canditate) for the former and intravaginl for the latter.In each group we stopped the study when the subjects got to go. The data collection was based on question naire and were analyzed according to SPSS stotoscal software. Findigs:It was determined in this study that the side effects of Bromocriptine in those who took it orally was %100 of the cases and in intravaginal users was %43.2. The most frequent complication in the oral use was nausea (%38.9) and in the intravaginal use was vaginal itching (%22.3). The vertigo in the oral-user group in comparison to intravaginal-user group was higher in number (%27.8 compared to %2.3). Hypotension in oral-users of the drug occurred in %11.2 0f the cases, whereas this figure among the intravaginal users was zero. In %51.2 of the oral-users more than two complications have been observed. In both under-study groups most complications appeared during the first-ten day of the research (%66.7 and %37.8). with regard to the severity of the complication created, it was determined that in %31.2 of the oral group and in %11 of the intravaginal one the stop to take the drug. Conclusion:Between the prevalence, severity and the kind of drug complications in the two oral and intravaginal use of Bromocriptine was a meanimgful difference and the drug-tolerance as well as the prolonged drug use in intravaginal type was higher than the oral one.

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (سخنرانی )
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده مسئول :فيروزه اسدزاده
کلیدواژه ها (فارسی):بروموکریپتین واژینال ، دهانی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Bromocriptine of oral ، Intravaginal
موضوعات :WQ مامایی > WQ.18 آموزش مامايي
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی > بخش مامایی
کد شناسایی :2167
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر فیروزه اسدزاده منیر
ارائه شده در تاریخ :18 اسفند 1389 14:11
آخرین تغییر :01 تیر 1393 08:13

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