
تعيين انواع عوامل موثر در بروز حوادث ناشي از كار وتحليل ميزان ونوع تاثير گذاري آن عوامل در دراستان اردبيل طي 3 سال متوالی

محمدحسینی, طه ، عزتی, فرحناز (1390) تعيين انواع عوامل موثر در بروز حوادث ناشي از كار وتحليل ميزان ونوع تاثير گذاري آن عوامل در دراستان اردبيل طي 3 سال متوالی. در: اولین همایش ملی سلامت مردان, اول اسفند ماه 1390 , تهران،ایران.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

خلاصه فارسی

مقدمه: باتوجه به افزايش حوادث شغلي دراستان و بروزتبعات فردي، خانوادگي ،اجتماعي و اقتصادي آن ، عوامل وقوع حوادث مطالعه شد و نتايج جهت سياستگزاريها وبرنامه‌ريزيها‌ي اصلاحي وكنترلي به متوليان منعكس گرديد روش اجرا: پرونده 120 حادثه موجود در سازمان کار استان مطابق چك ليستي مشتمل بر انواع شرايط ناايمن و انواع اعمال ناايمني موثر در بروزحوادث بررسي گرديد وعلل اصلي وَزمينه اي طبق نمودارهاي آماري آناليزشد كه منجر به اتخاذ نتايج اصلاحي از ابعاد مديريتي،فني ، اداري،فردي،مالي،فرهنگي،آموزشي و... گرديد نتايج: ازميان انواع عوامل حادثه، محيط کار نا ايمن وعوامل مديريتي مهمترين نقش را داشته است حوادث مشابه به راحتي تکرار شده‌ در بخش صنوف ،ساختماني ، پيمانکاري و همچنين اوقات اضافه كاري حوادث بيشتربوده مراکزداراي کميته ايمني ،کارشناس بهداشت حرفه اي ياايمني و تحت بازرسيهاي دولتي حوادث کمتري داشته رابطه تعداد حوادث با سطح دانش فني وايمني سطح فرهنگ صنعتي ميزان سابقه ميزان دستمزد معکوس بوده است افراد كم سن وسال صدمات وخيم تري ديده اند وكارگران آموزشديده بي احتياطي شان كمتر بوده است اکثر حوادث با هزينه کم قابل پيشگيريند هزينه‌هاي درماني وبازتواني وهمچنين باررواني وانحرافات اجتماعي بر خانواده وجامعه تحميل گرديده هزينه‌هاي اداري و کارشناسي براي تحليل حادثه به ارگانها تحميل گرديده تعداد معلولين در جامعه افزايش يافته بحث و نتيجه گيري Machine Man Management Money Market Material Method شرح اصلاحات براساس لزوم ثبت و تحليل حوادث وشبه حوادث واجراي اصلاحات كنترل پيمانكاران خدماتي، ساختماني و. . . لحاظ دروس ايمني وبهداشتكار براي رشته هاي دانشگاهي نظارتهاي دولتي بخصوص در بخش صنوف وپيمانكاري شناسائي خطرات محيط كار وارزيابي ريسك واجراي برنامه‌ها آموزش هاي ايمني وبهداشتكار به كاركنان اطلاع رساني وفرهنگسازي درجامعه فعالسازي کميته هاي حفاظت فني وبهداشتكار اتخاذ تمهيداتي براي عدم سوء استفاده ازبيمه عدم واگذاري امور خطرناك وحساس به افراد بي تجربه وكم سن وسال استقرار سيستم هاي مديريت زيست محيطي ،ايمني و بهداشت حرفه اي تعديل اضافه کاري

عنوان انگليسی

Determining influential factors on the occurrence of occupational accidents and analyzing affecting rate and type of those accidents in Ardebil province

خلاصه انگلیسی

Introduction Considering the increased occupational accidents in all parts of the province and its individual, family, social and economic consequences, the conditions of workplaces and its relation with the quality and quantity of those accidents studied using analysis of the records of the reported accidents in order to reflect the results of the plan to the government authorities for taking immediate actions in local policy-making, corrective and preventive programs which finally result in modifying of the current situation. Method 120 accident files analyzed according to the evaluation form including the unsafe conditions and different unsafe factors influential in the occurrence of an accident in which any factor involved in the accident and the type of its influence separately investigated which resulted statistical graph occurrence, type and range of injuries, type and range of property damage, cause of the accident and different management, physical, individual, financial, cultural, familial, times of occurrence and…. Results  There was a reverse relationship between the number of accidents with safety and technical knowledge, level of industrial culture, work history and amount of wages  Accidents were more severe in younger people  Some contractors aren’t familiar with technical aspects of their work  Non-safe workplace was the leading factor in occupational accidents.  Similar accidents occurred several times.  Many accidents were related to construction and trade sections  Many accidents occurred in contracting sections  Sections which benefited from safety committees and specialists under governmental inspections reported less accident.  During overtime work, more severe and increased rate of accident occurred.  The relationship of the number of accident with safety and technical level of knowledge, level of industrial culture, work history and wage amount was reverse.  The relationship of being non-cautious and the workers educational level was reverse.  Most accidents could be prevented with no cost or low costs. Discussion and Conclusion According to 7M (Material, Market, Money, Management, Man, Machine):  Necessity of record and analysis of each accident and even a semi-accident and taking corrective actions to prevent occurring of similar accidents  Control and identifying the real and legal entities responsible for services such as building decoration, scaffold installation, excavation and … by related governmental organizations  Considering the health and safety lessons for all university courses by High Educational System to make it a culture among all specialties  Perfect management of accidents on behalf of the related governmental organizations  Identifying the hazards of workplaces and evaluating the related risks and defining the long-term and short-term objectives and implementing the corrective plans and functions  Respecting the human resource affairs such as educating the occupational and mental health  Informing people about the issue via media, most-seller magazines and related organizations  Activating a safety committee in workshops or factories which lack this committee and making that more efficient in workshops or factories which already have the committee.  Taking governmental measures for the prevention of instrumental use of insurance supports  Vital and high risk tasks shouldn’t committed to inexperienced, low or non-educated people  Taking practical preventive measures of engaging children under in hazardous occupations  Broadcasting more efficient programs in media  Encouraging all managements for the establishment of environmental management systems of Safety and Occupational Health by governmental authorities  Efficient inspection and control of the whole occupational centers by related governmental organizations  Modifying the overtime work in executive and industrial sections  Encouraging the industrial and executing managers to be benefited of occupational health and safety specialists  encouraging organizations related with construction affairs to meet the occupational safety and collaborating with engineering system, municipality, urban development organization, planning and management organization

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (پوستر )
زبان سند : فارسی
نویسنده مسئول :طه محمدحسینی
کلیدواژه ها (فارسی):حادثه ، شرايط نا ايمن ،اعمال نا ايمن
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):accident-unsafe conditions- unsafe actions
موضوعات :WA بهداشت عمومي > WA 400 بهداشت حرفه ای
WA بهداشت عمومي > WA 400 بهداشت حرفه ای
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
کد شناسایی :3228
ارائه شده توسط : آقای طه محمدحسینی
ارائه شده در تاریخ :23 اسفند 1390 13:22
آخرین تغییر :30 بهمن 1391 13:05

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