
شیوع و الگوی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی سویه های استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس مقاوم به متی سیلین جدا شده از نمونه های بالینی در اردبیل، ایران

دیباه, سولماز ، ارزنلو, محسن ، جنتی, الهام ، شاپوری, رضا (1393) شیوع و الگوی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی سویه های استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس مقاوم به متی سیلین جدا شده از نمونه های بالینی در اردبیل، ایران. Iranian Journal of Microbiology ــ 6 (3). ص.ص.163-168. شاپا 2008-3289

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : http://ijm.tums.ac.ir/index.php/ijm/article/view/1...

عنوان انگليسی

Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains isolated from clinical specimens in Ardabil, Iran

خلاصه انگلیسی

Background and Objective: Reports on MRSA strains are increasing worldwide. The aim of this study was to find the prevalence of MRSA strains isolated from clinical specimens and to evaluate their resistance profile. Additionally we compared the phenotypic and genotypic methods for detection of methicillin resistance. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 41 isolates of S. aureus were collected from clinical specimens at two teaching hospitals in Ardabil, Iran. All isolates were identified at the species level by standard biochemical tests. The methicillin resistance were evaluated using three methods: PCR for mecA gene, agar dilution for determination of oxacillin MIC and disk diffusion test to detect methicillin, oxacillin and cefoxitin resistance. Antimicrobial resistance patterns were determined by disk diffusion method. Results: The results identified 19 (46.3 %) out of 41 isolates as MRSA. Most of the MRSA strains (68.4%) were isolated from patients hospitalized in ICU. All isolates were susceptible to vancomycin, mupirocin and linezolid. Among other antibiotics co-trimoxazole was more active against MRSA isolates. Using PCR as reference method all the phenotypic tests showed 100% specificity. The sensitivity for MIC test and cefoxitin was 100% and for methicillin and oxacillin disks was 77.7% and 89.5%, respectively. Conclusion: The prevalence of MRSA strains in our hospitals especially in ICU ward was high and disk diffusion testing using cefoxitin or oxacillin MIC test as an alternative to PCR for detection of MRSA is recommended.

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده اول :سولماز دیباه
نویسنده مسئول :محسن ارزنلو
نویسنده :الهام جنتی
نویسنده :رضا شاپوری
ضریب تاثیر و نمایه مجلات:indexed in:PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus,Embase, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Copernicus , CABI, CiteFactor(Directory Indexing of International Research Journals), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Ebsco (Academic Search Complete journals, academic search premier Journals), GHI, Google Scholar, Google Scholar Metrics, E-Journals, Electronic Journals Library, InfoBase Index, Iran Medex, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), LocatorPlus, Magiran, Scientific Information Database (SID), SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory,
کلیدواژه ها (فارسی):استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس، مقاومت به متی سیلین، مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin resistance, Antibiotic resistance
موضوعات :QW میکروب شناسی و ایمنی شناسی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه علوم پایه > بخش میکروبیولوژی
کد شناسایی :5885
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر محسن ارزنلو
ارائه شده در تاریخ :19 مرداد 1393 06:03
آخرین تغییر :19 مرداد 1393 06:05

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