
درک و تجربه زنان از ماموگرافی

مردی, افروز ، رفاهی, سهیلا ، مددزاده, میترا (1397) درک و تجربه زنان از ماموگرافی. در: چهاردهمین کنگره بین المللی سرطان پستان, 1-3 اسفند 97, تهران.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://www.civilica.com/Paper-ICBCMED14-ICBCMED14...

عنوان انگليسی

Mammography perceptions among women in an Iranian setting: A qualitative study

خلاصه انگلیسی

Introduction & Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cause of death due to cancer in Iranian women. Mortality from the disease could be reduced by screening and early diagnosis of the disease and its treatment in the early stages. Mammography is one of the most effective methods for diagnosis of breast cancer in the early stages. The purpose of this study was to explore the perception and experience of mammography among women in Ardabil. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted based on the conventional content analysis approach on 14 women who attended in Fatemi Hospital in Ardebil, Iran from April to August 2018. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Purposeful sampling was continued until data saturation. Results: During the data analysis, three main categories emerged, including: 1- Low awareness 2- Shame and embarrassment 3- Fear of mastectomy 4- Concerns about costs Conclusion: The experiences of women indicate that the need for education and psychosocial and economic support from them in the field of care and prevention of breast cancer is necessary.

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (پوستر )
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده مسئول :افروز مردی
نویسنده :سهیلا رفاهی
نویسنده :میترا مددزاده
موضوعات :WA بهداشت عمومي
WA بهداشت عمومي

WP بیماریهای زنان
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه علوم پایه > بخش فیزیک پزشکی
دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
دانشکده بهداشت > گروه بهداشت عمومی
کد شناسایی :12191
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر افروز مردی
ارائه شده در تاریخ :27 شهریور 1398 09:39
آخرین تغییر :27 شهریور 1398 09:39

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