
آگاهی و نگرش دانشجویان علوم پزشکی نسبت به کوید-19

رنجبر روغنی, آرش ، نعمتی, رضا ، فتحی, یگانه ، شیخنواز جاهد, ساینا ، اجری خامسلو, فرامرز ، اجری خامسلو, مهدی (1399) آگاهی و نگرش دانشجویان علوم پزشکی نسبت به کوید-19. پرستاري ايران ــ 33 (126). ص.ص.45-57. شاپا ۲۰۰۸-۵۹۳۱

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آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3307-fa.html

خلاصه فارسی

زمینه و هدف: بیماری کوید- 19 یک بیماری نوظهور عفونی است، که تمامی جهان با آن در گیر میباشد. با توجه به نوظهر بودن بیماری توجه به نگرش و آگاهی افراد درگیر در مراقبت از بیماران بسیار مهم و حائز اهمیت است. بنابراین این مطالعه به منظور تعیین نگرش و آگاهی دانشجویان علوم پزشکی درباره بیماری کوید- 19 انجام شد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه به صورت توصیفی– مقطعی انجام شد. اطلاعات از طریق پرسشنامه مجازی جمع آوری شد. 420 دانشجوی علوم پزشکی کشور در بازه زمانی 31 فروردین تا 15 اردیبهشت 1399 به صورت نمونه گیری داوطلبانه از بین 10 دانشگاه علوم پزشکی در این مطالعه شرکت نسخه 16 انجام SPSS داشتند. تحلیل دادهها به وسیله آزمونهای آماری آنوای یک طرفه، ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و آزمون تی مستقل با نرم افزار گردید. 41 بود. /61 ± 6/ 58 و آگاهی آنها 27 /75 ± 5/ یافتهها: میانگین و انحراف معیار نمرات نگرش دانشجویان نسبت به بیماری کوید- 19 به طورکلی 56 ،(p< 0/ نتایج نشان داد که بین نگرش و مشخصات جمعیت شناختی هیچ ارتباط معنیداری وجود ندارد. بین نمره آگاهی دانشجویان و سن ) 001 ارتباط معنیداری وجود داشت. بین (p< 0/ و ترم تحصیلی ) 001 (p<0/ رشته تحصیلی ) 001 ،(p<0/ مقطع تحصیلی ) 001 ،(p< 0/ جنسیت) 001 نمره اگاهی دانشجویان و نوع سکونت دانشجو، سابقه کار در بخش کرونا و سابقه شرکت در دورههای مجازی مرتبط با کرونا ویروس ارتباط معنیدار وجود نداشت. نتیجهگیری کلی: نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که دانشجویان علوم پزشکی آگاهی و نگرش قابل قبولی نسبت به بیماری کوید- 19 دارند. با وجود مطلوب بودن نمره کل آگاهی و نگرش، دانشحویان در برخی از سؤالات نمره کمتری دریافت کرده بودند. از طرف دیگر اطلاعات ما در مورد بیماری کوید- 19 هر روز بیشتر میشود بنابراین لازم است مسئولین آموزشی دانشگاههای علوم پزشکی برنامههایی را برای افزایش آگاهی و بهبود نگرش دانشجویان نسبت به بیماریهای کووید- 19 طراحی و اجرا نمایند

عنوان انگليسی

Knowledge and Attitude for Medical Students towards COVID-19

خلاصه انگلیسی

Background & Aim: COVID-19, as an emerging infectious disease, affects the whole world. The causative agent for the disease is coronavirus acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and typical symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Also, muscle pain, sputum production, sore throat, lack of taste and red eyes are among the less common symptoms. In severe cases, the disease can cause severe respiratory failure and even death. COVID-19 is transmitted from sick people to healthy people through respiratory droplets. Disease spread can be prevented by washing hands and other hygiene measures. The rate of transmission and prevalence for the disease is higher than other infectious diseases, however, the main point in controlling the disease is the knowledge and attitude of the community towards Corona disease, which can play a key role in controlling the disease and reduce the increasing trend. It is very important to pay attention to the attitude and awareness of people involved in patient care. According to the literature review, no study has been conducted on the knowledge and attitude for medical students towards COVID-19, therefore, the current research was conducted to determine the attitude and knowledge of medical students across the country about COVID-19. Materail & Methods: The study was performed as descriptive cross-sectional. Data were collected through a virtual self-administered questionnaire. 420 medical students in the country participated in this study by voluntary sampling from April 20 to May 6, 2016. The final data was obtained by removing 10% of the questionnaires due to incomplete filling of 381 samples. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information. The questionnaire included three sections: demographic characteristics, attitude and knowledge about COVID-19. The first part of the questionnaire contained questions related to demographic characteristics including age, gender, degree, field of study, semester, type of residence and university. The second part, consisting of 16 phrases, was set to determine how studentschr('39') attitudes toward COVID-19 disease’ is based on the Likert scale of five options "totally disagree, disagree, have no opinion, agree, strongly agree" and were considered for each phrase a score of 1 to 5. The awareness section consisted of 4 dimensions (nature of disease, disease transmission, care and prevention, diagnosis and treatment) in the form of three options "yes and no and I do not know" that 1 positive score was applied for each correct answer. Content and face validity were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. The opinion of 7 faculty members in the university about the questionnaire was obtained and their corrective opinions were applied in the questionnaire. The reliability of the attitude questionnaire with Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient was 0.85 and the reliability of the knowledge questionnaire with Kuder Richardson coefficient was 0.86. Data analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and independent t-test with SPSS software version 16. Also, the significance level in the research was considered 0.05. Participants had full authority to complete the virtual questionnaire and data were collected anonymously. Results: Out of 381 samples, 252 (66.1%) were female students. The age range of students was 16 to 37 years and 51.1% of them belonged to the age group of 21-25 years. 18 people (4.7%) in associate degree, 222 people (58.3%) in bachelor degree, 8 people (2.1%) in master degree and 133 people (34.9%) were studying in professional doctoral degree. 271 students (71.1%) were students of 1-4 semesters and 93 students (24.4%) of them were studying in 5-8 semesters. 112 students (29.4%) were studying in medicine, 129 (33.9%) were studying in nursing and 115 (30.2%) were studying in paramedical fields. Also, 57.5% of the students were natives and 96.9% of the students had no work experience in the corona sector and 83.5% of the students did not participate in the virtual courses of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization related to the corona virus. The mean and standard deviation for studentschr('39') attitudes toward COVID-19 were generally 58.75± 5.56 and their knowledge was 41.61 ± 6.27. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between attitude and demographic characteristics. Besides, there was a significant relationship between studentschr('39') knowledge score and age (p <0.001), gender (p = 0.002), degree (p <0.001), field of study (p <0.001) and semester under study (p <0.001). However, there was no significant relationship between studentschr('39') knowledge score, type of student residence, work experience in the coronary department and history of participating in virtual courses related to coronavirus. Conclusion: According to the results of the current study, students of medical universities have an acceptable knowledge and attitude towards the disease. Despite the favorable scores in studentschr('39') knowledge and attitudes, our knowledge about COVID-19 is increasing every day. On the other hand, students should have a higher awareness and attitude rather than other students due to their presence in hospitals to minimize the possibility of transmitting the disease to themselves and other people in the community. Therefore, it is necessary for the educational authorities of medical universities to design and implement programs to increase awareness and improve studentschr('39') attitudes toward COVID-19.

نوع سند :مقاله
زبان سند : فارسی
نویسنده اول :آرش رنجبر روغنی
نویسنده :رضا نعمتی
نویسنده :یگانه فتحی
نویسنده :ساینا شیخنواز جاهد
نویسنده :فرامرز اجری خامسلو
نویسنده مسئول :مهدی اجری خامسلو
ضریب تاثیر و نمایه مجلات:Indexed in: Google Scholar, SID, Magiran
کلیدواژه ها (فارسی):کوید- 19 ، آگاهی، نگرش، دانشجویان
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):COVID-19, Knowledge, Attitude, Students
موضوعات :W حرفه پزشکی > W.18 آموزش پزشکی
WY پرستاری > WY.18 آموزش پرستاری
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه اطفال ، پزشکی اجتماعی
دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی > بخش پرستاری
کد شناسایی :14153
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر مهدی اجری خامسلو
ارائه شده در تاریخ :24 فروردین 1400 12:08
آخرین تغییر :24 فروردین 1400 12:08

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