
اثر حفاظتی 1و8 سینئول برابر نفروپاتی دیابتی در موشهای دیابتی نوع دو با با القا فعالیت گلی‌اوکسیلاز-1 و کاهش میزان فاکتور تغییر رشد -1B

مهدوی فرد, سیدسینا/ صفدر ، نخجوانی, منوچهر (1400) اثر حفاظتی 1و8 سینئول برابر نفروپاتی دیابتی در موشهای دیابتی نوع دو با با القا فعالیت گلی‌اوکسیلاز-1 و کاهش میزان فاکتور تغییر رشد -1B. در: Congress: EAS89TH congress: Advancing and exchanging knowledge of the causes, natural history, treatments and prevention of atherosclerotic disease., 1400/3/9, Sweden-Helsinki.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه چاپ شده

عنوان انگليسی

1,8cineole protects type 2 diabetic rats against diabetic nephropathy via inducing the activity of glyoxalase-I and lowering the level of transforming growth factor-1β

خلاصه انگلیسی

Abstract: Diabetes leading to the production and circulation of glycated albumin, methylglyoxal, and advanced glycation end products along with the reduction of the activity of glyoxalase-I (GLO-I) contribute to diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, we studied the effect of 1,8 cineole (Cin) on the formation of diverse glycation products and the activity of GLO-I as well as renal histpathological alterations in the type-2 diabetic rat. Type 2 diabetes was induced in rats with a combination of streptozotocin and nicotinamide (55+200 mg/kg). Two groups of rats, normal and diabetic, were treated intragastrically with Cin (200 mg/kg) once daily for 2 months the 2 other similar groups received vehicle only. Fasting blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance index, lipid profile, the activity of GLO-I, LDL glycation (Glycated albumin, Glycated LDL, Methylglyoxal, and advanced glycation end products) and oxidative stress (Advanced oxidation protein products, malondialdehide, oxidized LDL, and reduced glutathion), inflammatory markers (Tumor necrosis factor-α and Transforming growth factor-1β), creatinine in the serum (Cre), and proteinuria (PU) in the urine of all rats was determined as well as renal histopathological alterations were investigated. Cin reduced biochemical (Cre and PU) and histopathological (glumerosclerosis) indicators of renal dysfunction in the the diabetic rat compared to untreated diabetic rats. Moreover, the treatment decreased different glycation, oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory markers. The treatment had a beneficial effect on glucose and lipid metabolism as well as the activity of GLO-I (p < 0.001). Cin ameliorated diabetic nephropathy via reduction of TGF-1β following to decrease the formation of different glycation products, oxidative stress, and inflammatory process with the induction of the activity of glyoxalase-I and the advantageous effect on glucose and lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetic rats.

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (پوستر )
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده مسئول :سیدسینا/ صفدر مهدوی فرد
نویسنده :منوچهر نخجوانی
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):1,8 cineole; Diabetic nephropathy; glycation; Glyoxalase-I, TGF-1β
موضوعات :QU بیوشیمی
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه علوم پایه > بخش بیوشیمی
کد شناسایی :14646
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر سید سینا مهدوی فرد
ارائه شده در تاریخ :18 شهریور 1400 11:34
آخرین تغییر :18 شهریور 1400 11:34

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