
شیوع سروتیپ های سالمونلا در اردبیل

عزیزپور, آیدین ، قضایی, سیامک ، امیرعجم, زهرا ، خوشبخت, راحم (1397) شیوع سروتیپ های سالمونلا در اردبیل. در: Iran's 19th International Congress of Microbiology, Sep 4-6, 2018, Tehran- Iran.

متن کامل

پیش نمایش
متنی - نسخه تایید شده

آدرس اینترنتی رسمی : https://ismcongress.ir/

عنوان انگليسی

. Prevalence of Salmonella Serogroups in Chicken Meat of Ardabil, northwest of Iran

خلاصه انگلیسی

Salmonellosis is one of the most common digestive diseases in the world. Salmonellosis is caused by varieties of salmonella serotypes and there are concerns about the contamination of poultry and its products by this microorganism.The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of Salmonella serogroups in chicken meat of Ardabil, northwest of Iran. One-hundred chicken meats were collected from chicken carcass retailers between January and March 2018. Salmonella spp were isolated from suspected positive cultures.Then, they were identified and confirmed by means of biochemical and serological tests. Salmonella was isolated from 6 samples (6%). Serogrouping results revealed that 66.7 % of samples belong to serogroup C and 16.6% of them were serogroup D and 16.6% serogroup B. The results of this study show that the dominant serogroup was C .This finding is important for public health. Applying a health strategy for reduction of contamination level is necessary.

نوع سند :موضوع کنفرانس یا کارگاه (پوستر )
زبان سند : انگلیسی
نویسنده مسئول :آیدین عزیزپور
نویسنده :سیامک قضایی
نویسنده :زهرا امیرعجم
نویسنده :راحم خوشبخت
کلیدواژه ها (انگلیسی):Salmonella, Serogroups, Ardabil
موضوعات :WA بهداشت عمومي
WA بهداشت عمومي
بخش های دانشگاهی :دانشكده پزشكي > گروه داخلی ، قلب ، عفونی
کد شناسایی :16960
ارائه شده توسط : دکتر زهرا امیرعجم
ارائه شده در تاریخ :11 اردبهشت 1402 10:31
آخرین تغییر :11 اردبهشت 1402 10:31

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